Any keen-eyed readers of this, my tiny corner of the internet, will note it is greatly inspired (maybe a little on the nose) by Frank Chimero ( whose forward in the book ‘Learn to Code Now’—written by SuperHi’s Rik Lomas—propelled me into the world as I now know it.
You will make mistakes. Things won’t work. But you will be in good company. We all get it wrong on the first, second, even third tries, no matter how much experience we have. Getting your hands on the materials is a learning process for all of us. We feel the grain and discover the contours of the problem we are solving, and revise when our efforts don’t work quite as expected. Luckily, code and pixels are free, so your trials and errors should be less expensive than the considerable amount of lumber I’d waste if I ever took up woodworking.
My father never fully understood what I did for a living, but we could always find common ground in craftsmanship. Good work is grounded in attention to detail, and knowledge of and respect for the materials. The more experience I gain, the more this proves itself. Pay attention, respect the material, listen to how it guides you, and be gentle. You’ll be surprised by what you can do and how flexible it all can be.
— Frank Chimero, 2017.
(Learn to Code Now, Rik Lomas)
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